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To thank you for joining our community, we share with you the natural beauty of Belize!
The digital images below of Silk Grass Farms and Wildlife Preserve showcase the lush fields and first-growth rainforest we are working to protect through sustainable agriculture and conservation. Set these images as your computer background, or print, frame, and display them to serve as a powerful reminder of the positive impact people can have on the planet when we innovate and collaborate.
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The Great House modern field station adjacent to Silk Grass Wildlife Preserve that accommodates researchers and partners engaging in conservation work.
Keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus) photographed at Silk Grass Wildlife Preserve by biologist Luis Peña, a Wild Earth Allies Conservation Fellow.
Barbiera pinnata — a legume species believed to be only the third observed on record in Belize — photographed at Silk Grass Wildlife Preserve by Wild Earth Allies botanist Steven Brewer.
Coconut grove and rainforest, Silk Grass Farm — representing a small section of the many acres where our coconuts grow without herbicides and pesticides.
Irrigation pond at Silk Grass Farm — one of several strategically placed drains and reservoirs designed to facilitate responsible water management.
Coconut trees surrounded by first-growth rainforest that is Silk Grass Wildlife Preserve — a biodiverse wildlife corridor critical to the regional ecosystem.
A rainforest vista at Silk Grass Farm showcasing the stunning natural beauty of Belize we are working to protect through sustainable agriculture and conservation.
Faramea barchysiphon — a surprising discovery at the low elevation of Silk Grass Wildlife Preserve — photographed by Steven Brewer, botanist with Wild Earth Allies.
The lush first-growth rainforest at Silk Grass Wildlife Preserve — a destination for researchers seeking deeper knowledge of rainforest biodiversity.
Bellusia grossularioides, photographed by Belizean researcher Luis Peña (Wild Earth Allies) during a research trip to inventory Belizean tree species.
Coconut tree at Silk Grass Farm with Bromeliad Epiphyte — a flowering plant that grows on other plants or objects without soil for support.
Farm road at Silk Grass Farm — the main artery of our vertically integrated agribusiness reimagining the way food is grown and processed.