Our Commitment
Our Name
The name Silk Grass Farms honors the Silk Grass community, which began as a relocation settlement for people displaced by the devastating Hurricane Hattie in 1961. The area is named for the prominent, charismatic bunches of grass seen standing tall in fields and roadsides across Belize, especially in late summer when its coarse blossoms burst into soft, silky fronds.
The silk grass plant — durable and earth-friendly — reflects the spirit of the local community. The thick, robust roots hold soil in place during rains and winds to prevent erosion. Due to its flexible, hearty nature, it can withstand extreme weather and still thrive. Silk grass also plays an important role in the carbon cycle by removing carbon dioxide from the air and storing it safely in its roots, tissues and the soil.
Our Promise
We join the Silk Grass community in a unified demonstration of resilience and sustainability. We pledge to reflect these qualities at Silk Grass Farms in our actions as well as our name. We are committed to investing in our communities through our hiring and business practices, civic engagement, and philanthropy.
We are dedicated to adding value at the source by producing high-quality specialty ingredients and products. Through this approach, we aim to help decrease the country’s dependence on imports and increase the flow of capital to local communities — all while restoring health and biodiversity to degraded farmland, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources, and providing meaningful employment to the people of Belize.
Our Land Ethic
We are stewards of the land we manage, acting as caretakers rather than owners. We support diversity in the crops we grow, the stakeholders we engage, and the biodiverse ecosystems we protect. Ours is a journey of evolution from ownership to stewardship; from division to connection; from extraction to regeneration; from independence to interdependence.
Discover our Environmental Impact Strategy to innovate sustainable agriculture at scale.